Actually i finished a VERY disappointing 26th. I was in the top 5 after the 2nd hour and stayed there until the hand that knocked me out. I really dont know how i made it that far, every time i got a hand for the lead i got badbeat.
Im in 4th with QQ in the BB, guy raises and i just call. flop comes like x9x and i check. He shoves i call and he turns over A9...I win this im in 1st by over 40K chips....TURN....9!
I drop back down to 20th or so. Half hour later im back to Top 10 when i get AQ in BB...SB has half my stack and shoves when its folded to him, i call....he has 58os....Board...xQx 5 8 !!!!!!!!!!
I had been trying to steal every time there was a big pot or a badbeat on the hand before. I had a very tight NIT image and wasnt getting called much anyway. So there was a badbeat and on the next hand i had like Q5s in the cutoff...i shove to steal and ofcourse the BB had KK and out i went.....
Differance between 1st and 26th was only $43,000 so as u can imagine i was puking most of the night afterwards...